Resonancia Community offers an environment for temporary living, experiences, and exploration. Therefore, you will not find an established community of permanent residents, but instead a flexible community of free souls, many of whom share a nomadic lifestyle. Once you join Resonancia Community, YOU are the community, whether it be for a week or for half a year.
In our Coliving Community, where members commit to an intensive process of sharing space and our truth, with the aim to gather long enough to go deep and find profound trust in our human contact, and short enough to always maintain the spirit of an extraordinary experience beyond a stiff routine of daily life. The core group has a constant but slow dynamic of change.
In our Ecovillage laboratory you find a even more flexible community context.
And not to forget to mention the Community of Yator, the tiny ancient Andalusian village that hosts our dynamics and welcomes all our participants as one of their own. Their social dynamics are inspiring in their historic community wisdom, sharing resources, support, conflicts, joy, and making daily life an inspiring celebration of togetherness. You are very much invited to join in their context as well.
Below we present our little team.

Coordinator of the pragmatic side of the project and voice to the outside. After embodying her instinctive call for a conscious culture of free souls, liberated eros, and female empowerment in her native culture in Kenya, she started to work with the project after meeting Achim in 2023. She is still in the phase of adapting to this very new cultural and climatic environment. Once she achieves to regain her true magic, her area of influence is expected to extend.

Part of the project since the end of 2024, I bring my laughter, voice and medicine music, as well as my knowledge in embodiment and healing. I am on a mission to bring the human back to the body and heart, and you can find me creating in the resonance hub, singing in the mountains, or cuddling with the cats in the valley.

I'm Tomás, born in Barcelona, Venezuela and I've been a true nomad since 2010. I have lived in 8 countries and explored many more, always searching for the truth, always curious, always eager to learn and grow. Like many of you, I am a fan of breaking paradigms and for more than 15 years I have dedicated my life to expansion through education and a variety of practices and disciplines, starting with yoga, tapping, meditation, tantra, conscious sexuality, breath work, primal and animal movement, to name a few, each of which has contributed so much to my well-being, healing and nervous system regulation.