The Valley of sensations invites you to open your senses. Feel the clay around you, with which some of our living spaces are built and enjoying a clay bath. Wake up in a tree or sleep in one of our beds under the stars!
Find all kinds of materials in nature: river stones, cane tubes, olive wood, flexible willow branches, ... and let your creativity be inspired by all this.
In this place there are no huge constructions that separate you from the influence of nature, there are no straight walls at right angles, as in nature ...
Hugo Kuekelhaus, German architect and creator of the 'Experimental Field of the Senses' (parks with interactive facilities) said:
"Walk a few kilometres on straight asphalt roads and you will get tired of your path. Walk the same distance through a forest, seeing animals, crossing rivers, ... and you will arrive revitalized."
Before embarking in the adventure of the Valley of Sensations, its original creator Achim Burkard made two experimental fields of senses ('Wild rose' Ecovillage, Germany and the retreat centre 'Casa el Morisco', Malaga, Spain) and then felt the call to integrate this concept into a real-life experience -where you not only visit a park with independent objects for a few hours but lives in a whole environment that invites experimentation and where the community is one of the central elements...since our tribal nature is one of our roots that connects us to nature.
Here is waiting for you ... The Valley of Sensations.
And as a little boy said, while playing with the vegetation of our small stream and calling his mother: “Maamaa! I know why it's called Valley of Sensations ... this place is full of sensations ..."
Come and explore them!, with open senses and your creativity.