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Opening to resonance

living together like music

'Resonancia community' is an open and flexible environment for communal living and exploration conceptualized by Achim Burkard.
A dance between structure, free flow, and the unpredictable.
Oscillating between intensive group dynamics, free space & time for individuality and co-creation.
A fertile ground for creativity, sensuality, and healing. Never guaranteed, but always waiting to be awakened.... by you ... by us

"vibrational fusion of freedom, authentic presence and connection"

In acoustics and physics, resonance means that two bodies that are free to vibrate are creating relation to each other. It is a basic human need and ability. We can be resonant with other people, even with groups, with (creative) activities, with things, with nature, with art, with spirituality. Since everything vibrates, we can consequently also enter into resonance with everything. Resonance means being touched or moved. Something has reached me.

A transformation is taking place

Resonance does not mean consonance, harmony or unison. Resonance happens between dissonance and consonance. It's about being touched and responding to it, emotionally, physically and mentally. Thus it is not aimed at growth or improvement. On the contrary, it is the basis for mindfulness and deceleration. It's about getting in contact with yourself and the world differently, getting transformed.

Resonance cannot be planned

Resonance relationships cannot be systematically established. We cannot be sure that resonance will ocurre. We cannot force it. A resonance situation cannot be increased, improved or saved either. When we resonate with something or someone, we don't know what will come of it.

Resonance presupposes being in trust and free of intention

The principle of resonance contradicts the goal orientation, efficiency and effectiveness. In times of acceleration and self-optimization, however, resonance relationships fall by the wayside. People who are in fear, under stress or in time or competitive pressures, cannot get involved with them. If we want to enter into resonance with people, it means that we initially trust each other unintentionally.

In resonance, we get involved with processes whose outcome we do not know

Inspiring resonance inside held spaces
An acoustic 'resonance chamber' facilitates resonance to occur. Instrument makers or acoustic architects developed the art of designing such spaces. Similar principles can be applied to human dynamics. When providing an environment with the right conditions and possibly even certain magic, a beautiful resonance between humans is very likely to emerge. Some examples of temporary communitarian „resonance spaces“: Contact dance and Ecstatic dance provide resonance through movement. Drum or Singing circles and Jam sessions celebrate resonance through sound and rhythm. Cuddle puddles, Temple nights, and Oil sessions invite resonance through sensual touch. Talking stick circles attracts resonance through open communication from the heart. Sweat lodges open resonance channels towards all levels of our own existence and our world.
Resonance Hub

The Resonance Hub ("Casa de Resonancia") in the very center of our village provides spaces and setup to facilitate the connection and the collaboration between all people who decide to enter our communitarian resonance field.
Through the acoustic and visual connection between most spaces in the house, its resonance architecture creates a feeling of togetherness between all people present. This connection is also to be felt towards the vivid central place of our little village, which is right in front of our south-facing windows.

It is not a building where to find complete privacy or complete silence (for that you can enjoy other of our spaces). Instead, even in one of the 5 private rooms, you will notice if some communal dynamic is arising in the central internal patio, with its huge communal hammocks, its sound system and dance area, the whirlpool, and the open activity and chill space on top with its huge roof terrace. This area which also offers an office, a library, and a little kitchen expands between the 1st and the 4th floor and is protected for celebrating the internal dynamics of our community.

The ground floor is open to a wider community and our spontaneous guests. There you find the communal kitchen, a salon for dining, togetherness, or cozy chimney nights, and a light-flooded co-working space. 

Beyond held sessions or even longer events, we invite for an ongoing communal lifestyle where resonance is understood as the most precious state of togetherness and of connecting to the world.
A unique framework got created to invite, nurture, and support such dynamics, somehow like an immense resonance chamber, waiting for the changing human dynamics to get sound, to create the unpredictable music of living in community.

The environment

  • The resonance-architecture created by Achim supports organic connection, flexible interaction and invites you to open your senses.
  • A variety of communal spaces are always open for your authentic presence and encounters.
  • A variety of private rooms and unique living spaces with very different atmospheres and also a very different permeability towards the human vibes and environment allow you to select and change your lodge in accordance with your needs and availability
  • Many opportunities are waiting for you to chill, to explore, to get creative, to work, to enjoy, to dance,... following your personal flow or join communal interaction
  • Yátor, our beautiful tiny white village is inviting us to resonate with their vivid Andalusian lifestyle

Requested attitude

  • Mindfulness, towards others, the environment and also towards the openess of your senses and your heart.
  • Self-responsibility, owning your needs, your desires, your emotions, your thoughts, your capacities and your boundaries.
  • Non-violence in thoughts, words, and acts, including to be non-judgemental.
  • Organic availability, frequently gifting your open presence while not allowing plans, shedules, stress, fears or digital screens to conquer your resonance capacities.
  • Surrender to the authenticity of moments and people. Letting go of expectations about dynamics and outcome.
  • Sex-positivity, with an open attitude towards the erotic and sexual expressions, relationship models and gender identities others and yourself might embody.


  • Step into the authentic expression of yourself
  • Follow your flow, take your time, find your rhythm
  • Go for your dreams, express your desires
  • Communicate openly, speak your truth
  • and allow others to do the same
Offering a sensual alquemy between nature, materials, shapes, sounds, spirits, emotions, touch and community

The valley offers a magical environment for the community to unfold inside a sensual paradise. Little artistic spaces are created, which provide intimacy to its residents and support individuality with their unique character. Everything in this valley is within proximity, and yet, the valley offers many hidden spots and places of different ambiance, which allows the group and each participant to freely oscillate between community and privacy.

The place is situated a little footwalk away from the village, sometimes hosting intense group dynamics, and in other moments simply being an additional area where to expand our resonance field centered in the nearby village, through finding retreat, dancing at night around the bonfire, swimming in the pool or bathing in mud, creating natural artwork or cultivating our garden.

traditional Andalusian resonance wisdom

Our little white Andalusian mountain village is an impressive example of embodied communal resonance. During each day's activities, its inhabitants constantly check in with each other, coordinate their objectives and their needs, share their resources, solve their conflicts, celebrate unexpected parties,...
while always having time for a laugh, a glass of wine with a neighbor, or an extensive chat with whom crosses one's path.

Observing their resonance wisdom you will see some magic ingredients:

  • Owning their time in abundance, avoiding stress
  • Maintaining a constant openness to sacrifice plans and objectives for the preciousness of spontaneous human contact
  • Establishing public spaces for meetings and togetherness, being always open for spontaneous communal dynamics, not restricted by the ideas of few.
  • Investing and enjoying open and unexpectant presence in public spaces.
  • Being in a constant flow of organic communication
  • Being open, non-judgmental, and generous towards others and "the other".

We are invited to integrate our life and our projects into their community field, and neighbors are happy to "resonate" with each of us. So come with time and openness to tune in and get inspired.

Visiting, participating, living with us

As you might have realized joining our resonance field is a journey into the unpredictable.
There are moments when communal energy is high and juicy, when one is very likely being carried away and imbued by a communal flow.
At other times people might be in a mood of chill, enjoying individuality or retreat, involved in work projects, or there even might be nearly no people at all.
Still, both are part of the waves of changes that emerge through pure authenticity of each moment. When we all let go of relying on somebody to provide "the desired experience". That's when the magic of true communal resonance will find its space.

So when you decide to join, please be open and prepared tune in, surrender to whatever you will find inspire the common music also with your own vibration and impulses
...and to allow yourself to get transformed.

Find information about opportunities to join